With the beginning of a new school year, there are some things that have remained the same, but also some big new changes to our program and how we have to do things in order to adhere to new policies and a new state law that was passed over the summer.
1. Physicals and RankOne- all athletes in all grades must get a NEW physical and fill out the RankOne forms again.
*Here is the link for the physical form:
https://edmondschools.rankone.com/Images/Logos/OSSAAPhysicalForm2017.pdf?fbclid=IwAR03GPY1Fcp-AbJlxintVuGQixRrQBhYsNEoeq7CpZiKfQZSY_w3I9wBgwU*If you got your physical this past spring at the school then you are covered.
*Once you get your paper physical form completed by a doctor then you can upload it to your RankOne or bring a physical copy to the main office and they can upload it.
*Here is the link for the electronic RankOne forms that need to be filled out:
https://edmondschools.rankone.com/New/NewInstructionsPage.aspx*PHYSICAL and RANKONE forms must be completed BEFORE any wrestler can practice. Please get this done ASAP. (We’ll be starting on the mats the 2nd week of school)
During the months of August and September, our team workouts will end at 4:00pm (State rule)
After October 1st, our team workouts will go until 5:00pm
We will be rolling out another StackTeamApp Group for the JH Boys Team and then another one for the JH/HS Girls Teams. (We will no longer use Whatsapp or any other communication apps that may have been used in the past.)
Coaches can no longer directly text athletes using iMessage or SMS texting.(new state law) The district will be rolling out an approved direct messaging platform at a later date. Direct calls are still ok for now.
Some athletes have a desire to compete in early (prior to November 1st) pre-season events such as: Pre-season nationals, Elite 8 Duals, Super 32, Fall Brawl, etc. School coaches are not allowed to coach at any events that take place prior to November 1st.
In order to train and be ready for these events, we have some teammates that have small workout groups that get together at home gyms and then we will have some Husky Wrestling Club evening workouts in the North Wrestling Room run by Coach Boo Lewallen for those interested in preparing for any of those events. We will post those days and times when they are finalized.
Welcome new parents/wrestlers and old to another great season of Edmond North Wrestling. I know some of these changes and rules are difficult to adhere to, but we will get through it and still be very successful. The new texting rule does not apply to parents, so if you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to text me or call (Coach Schneider 405-863-0731) Please keep notifications turned on for this app since we use it quite often to communicate to both the wrestlers and coaches. THIS APP IS FOR PARENTS AND WRESTLERS. Sometimes I have wrestlers who don’t get this app and think its just for the parents or vice versa. Please have the parent and wrestler download this app and notifications turned on. Thank you.
*Be on the lookout for more notifications as we get into the school year and a schedule of monthly in-person parent meetings that we encourage you to attend.
Lastly, I’d like to introduce the names of some new coaches you may have seen on our social media and their roles. (Facebook: Edmond North Wrestling / Twitter: ENHS Wrestling)
1. Sam Hazewinkel- Head Junior High Coach. He will also work with our open/advanced HWC wrestlers.
2. Paxton Rosen- He will be a coach with our club team (HWC) and run the open/advanced practices.
3. Blake Minnick- He will be a coach with our club team (HWC) and work with Braden Bowman and mainly the Novice club wrestlers.
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